Community Resources
Civic Addresses
A civic address is a physical address that's:
unique; and
clearly identifies where the property is located.
This will help RCMP, paramedics and firefighters find your home in an emergency.
Community Profiles
Discover – Yukon Regions
Discover Mt. Lorne on the Travel Yukon website
Our Neighbours
The Mt. Lorne area has a rich history. Carcross/Tagish and Kwanlin Dun First Nations people have a long tradition of hunting and gathering in this region. In 1992, an archaeological dig at Annie Lake discovered remains of campsites dating back over 8000 years.
Useful Links
Yukon Government Statistics Mt. Lorne
GeoYukon is a mapping tool to allow you to build an interactive map of resource information that is presently available throughout the Yukon. Zoom into the area of the Yukon that you are interested in then use the layer tool to turn on the various information items that you are interested in seeing and a map of that information will be created for you. The help section of the viewer explains what each menu item will do for you.
YESAB Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Board assess the environmental and socio-economic effects of projects and other activities in the Yukon or that might affect the Yukon. If you wish to find out if there are any projects happening in your area use the YESAB online registry to view projects before the board.
Canada Lands Survey System allows you to find a legal survey plan anywhere in Canada. Zoom into the area you are interested in. Find the lot you’re interested in, double click on it and an image of the legal lot plan will be generated for you.
Environment Yukon Water website provides information about Yukon’s water resources, water management and water monitoring. Check out the Water Data Catalogue where you can search for water monitoring sites and find out how to access Yukon water data.
Geomatics Yukon provides mapping information, imagery and GIS information.
Carcross/Tagish Renewable Resource Council
Yukon Community Recreation, Leaders Guide for Rural, Remote and Northern Communities
Yukon Forest Planning Whitehorse and Southern Lakes
Government of Canada – Get Prepared