Mount Lorne

Local Advisory Council

Mt. Lorne Local Advisory Council (LAC or Council)

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The Hamlet of Mt. Lorne was established in 1990 and the first Local Advisory Council (LAC) was elected. LAC’s are governed by the Municipal Act and are an advisory body with no legal status. The Mt. Lorne LAC is elected from residents in legislatively defined boundaries of the hamlet called Wards: Kookatsoon Lake, Cowley Lake, Robinson, The Meadows and Annie Lake Road. Elections are held every four years (changed from 3 to 4 years in 2024). LAC’s receive annual operational funding from the Yukon Government for which they are accountable.

Council meetings are held at 7pm on the first Tuesday of every month and are open to the public in person and by videoconferencing (

Order  in Council


The council´s mandate is

Operating Policy

First Nations Lands

The boundaries of Mt. Lorne fall within the Traditional Territories of three First Nations: Kwanlin Dun First Nation, Carcross/Tagish First Nation, and Ta’an Kwach’an Council. Members of KDFN and C/TFN live within Mt. Lorne.

The first  Local Advisory Councils for the Hamlet of Mt. Lorne and Ibex Valley in 1990