The MLVFD board of directors is hands-on with recruitment ideas and fundraising. We have done everything from car washes to quilt raffles, highway litter pick-up, recycling donations at our local dump, marathon race support, door-to-door solicitations and a very successful fundraising dinner at the Lorne Mt. Community Centre.
In 2008, we aquired official charity status from Revenue Canada, we are now able to issue income tax receipts for any donation above $20.00. The money raised goes towards purchasing additional safety equipment and tools not provided by the Fire Marshal’s Office. Since 2011, the society purchases additional life and disability insurance for our members. Purchasing this insurance gives the firefighters and the board members access to purchasing 24 hour off duty insurance at a very reasonable cost.
The MLVFD has a good working relationship with the Lorne Mt. Community Association. Our firefighters make appearances at such events as Halloween, Christmas kids party and Canada Day celebrations. At many of these events, we take advantage of the opportunity to educate people about fire safety.
We host the annual Misadventure race to raise money for the MLVFD. This year's race is happening on TBD.
If you wish to donate, please mail us a cheque (see address below) or send an e-transfer at We will issue your income tax receipt immediately.
Mount Lorne Volunteer Fire Department (MLVFD)
P.O. Box 10009
Whitehorse, YT
Y1A 7A1